It's been a while since we've put together what's been going on in the GWT community, and there's no time like the present to do so. Below are a handful of updates and new releases that have taken place over the past few months.
Smart GWT 2.1: Smart GWT, a framework that provides enhanced widgets that can coexist on both your client and server, has released a 2.1 version. Below are some of the key features of this release:
RaphaelGWT: The Hydro4GE team has open sourced their RaphaelGWT project. RaphaelGWT allows you to integrate GWT with Raphael, a lightweight JavaScript library for cross-platform vector graphics.
Gilead Update: Gilead, an Open-Source framework for seamless integration of Hibernate and GWT, has released an updated version of its project that contains the following features:
GWT MVC 0.4: The GWT MVC project, aimed at creating a layer on top Google Web Toolkit's widget library capable of implementing RIAs in easier and more conceptually guided way based on Model-View-Controller design pattern, has released version 0.4.
GWT Service Resolver: The gwtserviceresolver project has been added to Google code. Similar to gwt-dispatch, gwtserviceresolver allows you to minimize the code changes that are necessary as you add new RPC services.
GWT Mosaic: The GWT Mosaic project has added some tutorials to help developers wire up UiBinder-based elements with GWT Mosaic Actions.