Need a diagramming component in your GWT app? Now you can have one, thanks to the gwt-connectors project developed by Robert Waszkowski. The gwt-connectors project, which uses Fred Sauer's gwt-dnd, allows you to create components, drag them around, connect them together, and then drag some more (with connectors redrawn appropriately). It's really quite fun, you should give it a try.
HtmlUnit 2.5 released: For many, using JUnit TestCase and GWTTestCases to test their GWT applications is enough to sleep easy at night. However, in some cases, you want to test app navigtation flows in an automated way. For these cases, HtmlUnit comes to save the day. The HtmlUnit framework allows you to write tests that navigate through your application, fill forms, access attributes and values and so forth, and includes support for GWT.
A SimpleGesture goes a long way: A developer at IT Mill Toolkit decided to use his 10% time to build something really neat - a gesture-recognizing widget. Using SimpleGesture, you can capture mouse gestures in a given widget and trigger an associated action. You should give the demo a try if you want to see it in action, and look up the source code if you want to code it into your own applications. It turns out that this widget also works quite well with a Wiimote.
Google I/O: The Google I/O website has been updated with new sessions, speakers and developer sandbox participants . It will be a great event for those who want to learn the latest about Google developer products or who want to mingle with other developers who are in the field and have built applications using Google technologies. We're hoping to see you there!
Starting today, there is a simpler way to use the JavaTM language to develop and deploy world-scalable web applications. We are very happy to announce today:
What does this mean for you? It is easier than ever to create sophisticated web applications entirely in the Java language with Google Web Toolkit while working productively in Eclipse. And the moment you're finished, with only a few button clicks you can upload and publish your application to the world on App Engine.
In GWT 1.6, we've tried to make common tasks simpler while making it possible to do even more advanced things. If you're brand new to GWT, some of this is going to sound like gibberish, so you'll also want to take a look at the Product Overview as a gentler introduction.
As usual, there are many more improvements than we can list above. The issue tracker has the full list of changes. We hope that these new features in GWT 1.6 will seem like only the beginning, though, as you start to using GWT alongside the new Google Plugin for Eclipse and deploying your code on App Engine. There's lots more to come on how these technologies work together to help you do cool new stuff faster.
Last but not least, the GWT team will be at Google I/O on May 27-28, giving in-depth sessions on GWT and eager to hear your feedback on these new features. We hope you'll join us.
Download Google Web Toolkit 1.6
Eclipse™ is a delicious Java™ IDE. However, developers using it to create Google Web Toolkit (and now Google App Engine for Java) web applications have found themselves wanting better integration.
That's why we are very happy to announce the first release of the Google Plugin for Eclipse. Not only does the plugin make it easier to work with App Engine for Java and GWT; it also makes projects using both easier. A few key features:
New Web Application Wizard Quickly create web applications that use GWT and/or App Engine. Your new application is fully configured and ready to go.
Run/Debug Web ApplicationWith a single click, you can run or debug your web application locally. No more command-line headaches!
Google App Engine for Java Deploying your application to the cloud is easy with the deploy wizard...
As-you-type validation ensures that your code is compatible with App Engine.
Google Web Toolkit We've enhanced Eclipse's Java environment to integrate seamlessly with GWT:
Ready to dig in?
It's about that time again. We've had a lot of activity in the community since the last update that we'd like to share. Check them out below:
Spreading the word: The community is lucky to have a number of active members who blog, present and contribute to GWT. They are often a great resource for more news about GWT than can be tracked in our own single blog. Check out some of these GWT gems below:
IT Mill Toolkit 5.3.0 production release ready: The folks at IT Mill have worked hard to create IT Mill Toolkit - a set of technologies and tools that allow you to develop Ajax applications using Google Web Toolkit based, server-side binded widgets. Check out their latest production release announcement for more details.
GWT Articles section revamped: We've been working on updating and enriching articles on various GWT topics. The latest addition treats the topic of testing methodology using GWT. Please check out the new articles and let us know what you think of them. Also, if there is a topic that you are an expert on that you would like to write about, get in touch with us.
Google I/O