Community announcements
GWT-in-the-Air (and in Yahoo! BrowserPlusTM): Thomas Broyer, one of our GWT contributors and a regular on the forum, has been working on the GWT-in-the-Air project over the last year. The project provides an Adobe AIR version of your GWT application, making it ready to run in the browser or on the desktop. Thomas has most recently added support for Yahoo! BrowserPlusTM as well, which allows you to add desktop capabilities to your GWT app.
GChart 2.6 released: John Gunther recently announced the GChart 2.5 release, which adds a GWT canvas rendering option for better looking charts and graphs.GChart 2.6 was also published recently which fixes deprecated event listener calls and other bug fixes. Check out the live demo and examples if you're interested in using it for your own GWT application.
An early look at Spring4Gwt: Dustin Mallory has recently created a new project called spring4gwt, which, as you may have guessed, offers a way to integrate GWT with the Spring framework. The project is still in its early stages, but aims to offer both exported Spring services to the GWT client and DI that works specifically for Spring components.
GWT-cs - Springifying your GWT application code: We've seen integrating with Spring, but what if you wanted to develop your GWT client-side code in a Spring-like fashion? In comes the newly started GWT-cs project for just such a use case. With this library, you can develop your GWT client-side application structure using Spring-like bean configuration in an XML format.
Uploading with GWTUpload: While the FileUpload widget in GWT core provides one part of the key to uploading files in your GWT applications, the server-side component and it's interaction with the client-side form submission is often the part developers get stuck on. Using GWTUpload, you can get file uploads ready in just a few steps. You also get other nifty features like progress bars showing file upload progress (file size, bytes transferred).
New Articles on the GWT homepage
We've recently published new articles on the GWT homepage, including:
These articles were created to address the many inquiries we've seen on integration and testing topics, so hopefully they will be helpful to you if you're at the point of making integration or design decisions in your GWT project. Also, many of these articles were written in collaboration with the GWT developer community, so if you have any articles or topics that you would like us to consider for publishing on the GWT homepage, feel free to get in touch with us.
Normally, a minor update such as this would have been named 1.6.5 (the previous latest version of GWT was 1.6.4), but we did add the value "ie8" to the "user.agent" deferred binding property, which could impact projects using custom deferred binding rules that are sensitive to that property. Thus, we went with GWT 1.7 rather than GWT 1.6.5, to indicate that you may need to pay attention to that change. Details are in the release notes.
In every other respect, this is just a bugfix release, so in the vast majority of cases, the update-recompile process should be nearly effortless.
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