By Sumit Chandel, Google Web Toolkit Team
A couple weeks ago, I talked about On-demand widget creation in GWT, a technique you can use to improve the performance of your own GWT applications. What we detailed there was how to apply the technique and what benefits it yields, however we only briefly touched on when and where to apply the pattern.
Applying on-demand widget creation in your application requires a measured understanding of your GWT application's performance. Profiling your application is key to identifying performance hot spots that could be improved using the lazy load pattern or other performance tune-up techniques.
The two key data points to consider when profiling your application are slowdowns and memory usage. Here the term slowdown relates to how slow your application performs in terms of the JavaScript and DOM manipulations that are being processed to run the application. Obviously slowdowns are bad because they lead to sluggish user experiences and less users on your site. Memory usage is equally important as an application that leaks or consumes large amounts of memory is likely to slowdown or crash the user's browser, which also leads to users leaving your site, most likely preceded by profuse cursing.
In this post I wanted to share some tips you could use to profile your own GWT application to help plan your on-demand creation strategy or apply other performance improving code fixes.
One of the tools that I usually use to profile GWT applications is the FireBug plugin for Firefox. It has great support for profiling JavaScript performance, which you can use to help find hotspots in your code where certain widget creation calls are taking up too much time and would be better loaded on demand.
Don't try this out just yet! The GWT compiler takes care of optimizing and obfuscating the JavaScript generated from your GWT source, therefore if you tried to run the FireBug profiler over your application without first compiling your application with the -style PRETTY flag, you'll have a really hard time figuring out what you're profiling.
To re-compile your GWT application in PRETTY mode, simply tweak the MyApplication-compile script if you used the applicationCreator or change your GWT compile run configuration to pass the -style PRETTY mode flag to the compiler (e.g. for Linux -compile script shown below):
#!/bin/sh APPDIR=`dirname $0`; java -Xmx256M -cp "$APPDIR/src:$APPDIR/bin:$APPDIR/../../gwt-user.jar:$APPDIR/../../gwt-dev-linux.jar" -style PRETTY -out "$APPDIR/www" "$@";
Once you've compiled in PRETTY mode, you should be able to use FireBug's JavaScript performance profiler with ease to help identify spots where you would want to load your widgets on demand rather than all at once. You can look forward to something like the screenshot below:
Yet another way to profile your application is to do it manually by setting start / finish timestamps before and after the component you care about profiling, respectively. For example, let's say I wanted to determine the initial load time for the phone book application we developed as an example in the last blog post. I would first set a timestamp in my host HTML page, way up in the <head> of the document to make sure that the timestamp is recorded right when the first resource is picked up.
<title>Phonebook</title> <script language="javascript"> window.startTime = new Date().getTime(); </script> <iframe src="javascript:''" id="__gwt_historyFrame" style="border: 0pt none ; position: absolute; width: 0pt; height: 0pt;"></iframe>
Then I would add the finish timestamp right at the end of the onModuleLoad() method, which should allow me to get a good indication of how long it took to load the application from start to finish.
public void onModuleLoad() { ... displayLoadTime(); } private native void displayLoadTime() /*-{ $wnd.alert("Load time: " + (new Date().getTime() - $wnd.startTime)); }-*/;
A note about what's being measured here - there are some elements that are not included in this measuring technique that affect load time performance. For example, any external scripts that are required to load your application will not be factored into this measure by default; nor will any references to other external resources such as stylesheets. You can include these resources in your load time measurement by adding the corresponding tag in your module XML file so that they are loaded synchronously. Also, image fetches are not included in this load time measure (although you can use the ImageBundle to gather your images in a single download that you can time individually). What's more, any code that is executed in a DeferredCommand or an IncrementalCommand will not be picked up with this measuring technique.
Also, this measure captures the time it takes to execute code to load and display the widget, but not actually render it on the browser DOM with styles applied. Capturing that kind of measure would require far from trivial browser instrumentation.
That said, this measuring technique is still a good way to profile parts of your application and compare them to other implementations since you can accurately measure the time it takes to execute the code responsible for loading your widgets. You could set up the same load time measurement around any other widget creation method that you want to evaluate for on-demand loading. If you feel that setting up alerts to display the load time measurements is a little silly, you may want to take a look at Fred Sauer's gwt-log project, which allows you to log timestamps among other things while developing your GWT application.
Another note about manual timer measurements - there is a slight difference in timer resolution depending in which browser you're running the code above. However, the delta between browsers is usually less than 15ms, and not a humanly noticeable delay. Therefore this difference should be negligible as you collect data points to plan out your on-demand widget creation strategy.
Another thing to keep in mind is that aside from timer resolution differences, browsers do have different load times in general, so it's important to profile your application for each major browser you intend on supporting for your users.
Aside from the profiling techniques described above, there is always the old fashioned way of doing things - just trying it out and seeing how it feels. When something feels sluggish, chances are that it is and needs to be fixed. If you want to drill down to numbers, typically a delay greater than 0.8 seconds in load time is perceived by the user as a full second delay, and starts to qualify an application as sluggish.
Hopefully this post gave you some guidance on how to go about collecting data points about your application in order to plan strategies and fixes to improve performance. While some of the profiling techniques listed above should go a long way, the state of profiling tools around Ajax is still evolving and will take some time before becoming the rich environment developers may remember from days of old (desktop development).
A good place to get more tips about profiling and performance tune up techniques is on our very own GWT developer forum. We have tons of developers posting up there who have developed their own tricks to profile their GWT applications and improve performance, and they'd be happy to share their insights if you're looking for more ways to improve your own applications.
You may be happily coding away your GWT application, when you start to notice that as you keep enriching the application with new UI components, the load time starts to increase. If you're looking for ways to speed up your application, perhaps you should consider lazy loading in GWT application development - what we're coining "On-demand widget creation".
Lazy loading is a technique where a given object holds null references to other objects that later get instantiated only when they are needed. Actually, lazy loading is a concept that you may already be familiar with, but you may not know how it applies to GWT development. Hopefully this post helps you learn about how you can apply "on-demand widget creation" to speed up your own GWT applications.
Imagine your application looks something like a telephone directory listed alphabetically and split into three tabs (A-J, K-R, S-Z). Each tab contains a list of clickable names and phone numbers. Upon clicking an entry, you can access the contact address information as well as map it on an embedded Google Map located on the right side of the page, outside of the three tabs.
Initially, the code for the tab panel containing the list of names and phone numbers might look something like this:
String[] headings = new String[]{"A-J","K-R","S-Z"}; public void onModuleLoad() { VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); initializeGMap(); TabPanel directory = new TabPanel(); FlexTable listingAJ = new FlexTable(); FlexTable listingKR = new FlexTable(); FlexTable listingSZ = new FlexTable(); loadListings(listingAJ, headings[0]); loadListings(listingKR, headings[1]); loadListings(listingSZ, headings[2]); directory.add(listingAJ, headings[0]); directory.add(listingKR, headings[1]); directory.add(listingSZ, headings[2]); verticalPanel.add(directory); verticalPanel.setSize("500px", "500px"); RootPanel.get().add(verticalPanel); } private void loadListings(FlexTable listings, String range) { int numRows = listings.getRowCount(); if("A-J".equals(range)) { listings.setWidget(numRows++, 0, new Listing("John Doe", "555-3092")); listings.setWidget(numRows++, 0, new Listing("Jane Doe", "555-2039")); } else if ("K-R".equals(range)) { listings.setWidget(numRows++, 0, new Listing("John Roe", "555-3123")); listings.setWidget(numRows++, 0, new Listing("John Koe", "555-9583")); listings.setWidget(numRows++, 0, new Listing("Jane Moe", "555-9503")); } else if("S-Z".equals(range)) { listings.setWidget(numRows++, 0, new Listing("Jane Zoe", "555-0945")); } }
This code seems good enough and it will work for what we expect out of our phone book. If you try it out in hosted mode, the phone book is quite responsive and usable. However, it's worthy to note that this example is over a limited population.
What if we wanted to do this for a much larger population - say that of New York City. We would be looking at roughly 8 million potential subscribers whose information we want to list. Assuming an even distribution between names across our three tab alphabetical division, this would mean showing 2.67 million entries in a single tab.
Ignoring the fact that this is an extreme example, you could imagine that trying to show that many entries on one tab is likely to freeze browsers and end your users' relationship with your application. However, the truth is that you don't even have to reach numbers in the 10^6 range for your users to start experiencing slowdowns, and our phone book application users will start feeling the pain even at a few hundred entries.
Let's suppose we were creating a phone book for a smaller population size, say that of Smalltown, Pennsylvania (population: 600). Here is when using "on-demand widget creation" can help - only render the widgets once you really need to see them.
Applying this as a first attempt to improving our phone book experience, we would end up with something like this:
public void onModuleLoad() { VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); initializeGMap(); final TabPanel directory = new TabPanel(); FlexTable listingAJ = new FlexTable(); ListingPlaceHolder listingKR = new ListingPlaceHolder(); ListingPlaceHolder listingSZ = new ListingPlaceHolder(); directory.addTabListener(new TabListener() { public boolean onBeforeTabSelected(SourcesTabEvents sender, int tabIndex) { Widget listing = directory.getWidget(tabIndex); if(listing instanceof ListingPlaceHolder) { FlexTable listingToLoad = new FlexTable(); loadListings(listingToLoad, headings[tabIndex]); directory.remove(listing); directory.insert(listingToLoad, headings[tabIndex], tabIndex); } return true; } public void onTabSelected(SourcesTabEvents sender, int tabIndex) { } }); loadListings(listingAJ, headings[0]); directory.add(listingAJ, headings[0]); directory.add(listingKR, headings[1]); directory.add(listingSZ, headings[2]); verticalPanel.add(directory); verticalPanel.setSize("500px", "500px"); RootPanel.get().add(verticalPanel); }
As shown in the code above, you can see that we're not instantiating the second and third tab listings just yet, and instead setting the tab content to an empty ListingPlaceHolder type. Further down in the code, you can see that we've added a new TabListener to the directory that is checking for when a given tab is selected and whether the selected tab has been instantiated yet. If not, it loads the listings for the tab and adds them to the directory tab panel.
In the GWT incubator project, you can find the LazyPanel - a panel which allows you to easily load widgets on demand according to your lazy load strategy.
Using the LazyPanel is simple. All you need to do is add the widget that you want to lazily load in the lazy panel, and then call setVisible(true) on the lazy panel to actually have the widget load on demand. It's worth mentioning that the LazyPanel is mainly intended for use with widgets like the TabPanel and the StackPanel, and is not ideal in all cases.
Applying this to the phone book example, the recrafted code might look something like this:
public void onModuleLoad() { VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); initializeGMap(); TabPanel directory = new TabPanel(); LazyListingPanel listingAJ = new LazyListingPanel(headings[0]); LazyListingPanel listingKR = new LazyListingPanel(headings[1]); LazyListingPanel listingSZ = new LazyListingPanel(headings[2]); listingAJ.setVisible(true); directory.add(listingAJ, headings[0]); directory.add(listingKR, headings[1]); directory.add(listingSZ, headings[2]); verticalPanel.add(directory); verticalPanel.setSize("500px", "500px"); RootPanel.get().add(verticalPanel); } public class LazyListingPanel extends LazyPanel { String range; public LazyListingPanel(String range) { this.range = range; } @Override public FlexTable createWidget() { FlexTable listings = new FlexTable(); loadListings(listings, range); return listings; } private void loadListings(FlexTable listings, String range) { ... } }
And there you have it.
As mentioned just above, the LazyPanel isn't always the ideal choice for implementing an on-demand widget creation design. For example, one thing we mentioned about our phone book application is that each listing is clickable, and once clicked bring up an address popup. You could imagine that manually implementing the lazy load pattern for the address popup widget probably makes more sense than create LazyPanel instances for each address popup attached to each phone book listing.
Lazily loading your widgets has the obvious benefit of improving the load time performance of your application. It also allows you to control your application's memory usage as your user interacts with it, which can also be critically important since applications that tend to consume a lot of memory can potentially crash in the user's browser.
However, it is possible to overdo lazy loading and actually have it affect your application performance negatively. In fact, sometimes you want to do just the opposite and eagerly load parts of your application to improve performance.
After going through the simple example of on-demand widget creation and talking about its benefits, it may seem counter-intuitive to now say that sometimes it's better to eagerly load a part of the application. But there do indeed exist cases where it's better to eagerly load parts of your application to create a better user experience.
Take for example our phone book application. Let's say we now wanted to add different types of directories to our phone book - businesses, people and government institutions. If we were to apply the lazy load pattern the same way as we did for the personal listings from A-Z, we would be tempted to do the same here and only load the business listings once they were actually clicked on and asked for. Same for the government institution listings.
The average user probably spends most of their time looking up personal and business listings. For example, let's say a user is looking up his lawyer's number. He might first check the personal listing for "John Doe", and supposing he doesn't find it, switch to the business listings to see if the number is there.
Supposing the business listings are loaded on demand, the user might have to wait a quick but noticeable few milliseconds before the listings actually show up - time that might not have been spent waiting if the listings were already loaded. On the other hand, having the business listings load up in advance might slow down the initial application load time, not to mention incur some memory usage in addition to everything else that's already loaded.
So, lazy loading is great but takes some planning. One of the decision points we just mentioned is how much memory the components you need to load will take up and how they affect initial load time of either your application or one of its larger components.
Aside from profiling your application to plan a lazy load strategy, it's generally useful to learn and apply profiling techniques during development so you can quickly identify hot spots and fix them. After making your final CSS tweaks, updated RPC calls and integrating a third party library and realizing that your application is now running ten times slower, it's important to locate and eliminate the slowdowns.
Because GWT application profiling is such an important topic, it seems appropriate to devote an entire blog post to just that topic, and then relating it back to lazy load strategy planning later. Stay tuned for next week where we'll show you different tools you can use to profile your GWT application and help iron out the wrinkles.
Recently I was giving an introductory talk on JavaScript Overlay Types in GWT. A question came up about what I meant by the following:
final native void foo(int x, int y) /*-{ ... }-*/;
can magically become
final static native void foo(MyJSO this_, int x, int y) /*-{ ... }-*/;
It was a great question, and merited explaining why Overlay Types have certain constraints on them and what goes on during the compile process. If you are brand new to Overlay Types, you'll want to look over the earlier blog post or docs first.
As the earlier post explained, in Overlay Types you can augment the Java type without disturbing the underlying JavaScript object. For example, you can have getters and setters in the Java class that don't exist on the underlying JavaScript object. At the same time, your Java class is providing this richer functionality without GWT having to modify the underlying JavaScript object instance or its prototype.
This is possible because by design we disallow polymorphic calls on instance methods. All methods must be 'final' and/or 'private'. Consequently, every method on an overlay type is statically resolvable by the compiler, so there is never a need for dynamic dispatch at runtime. We can either inline the method body or create a global function external to the object itself.
This all makes more sense if we look at a concrete example, so let's do that. Here we have a JavaScript snippet embedded in an HTML page. This snippet defines a native JavaScript object of type 'nativeCustomer' and creates a instance called 'fred'.
//JavaScript in an HTML page <script> function nativeCustomer () { this.FirstName = ""; this.LastName = ""; } var fred = new nativeCustomer(); fred.FirstName = "Fred"; fred.LastName = "Wilson"; </script>
Now we'll overlay that native JavaScript object with an Overlay Type in GWT.
// An overlay type in GWT, which must extend JavaScriptObject class Customer extends JavaScriptObject { // Overlay types always have protected, zero-arg constructors protected Customer() { } // Typically, methods on overlay types are JSNI public final native String getFirstName() /*-{ return this.FirstName; }-*/; public final native String getLastName() /*-{ return this.LastName; }-*/; public final String thankCustomer(String thanksType){ if (thanksType.equals("buying")){ return "Dear " + getFirstName() + ", thanks for buying our product"; } else { return "Dear " + getFirstName() + ", thanks for referring your friend"; } } }
For good measure, I'll add a JSNI method to get the native JavaScript object from the wild, returning the Customer overlay type above.
private native Customer getNativeCustomer() /*-{ return $wnd.fred; }-*/;
Now that we have our native JavaScript object, a way to access it, and an Overlay Type, we'll want to use it. Below I have some GWT code that simply gets the JavaScript object from the wild as an Overlay type, then calls some methods on it.
Customer customer = getNativeCustomer(); Window.alert(customer.getFirstName() + " " + customer.getLastName()); Window.alert(customer.getFullName());
In this blog post we're interested in what's happening underneath - what the compiled output looks like. You'll notice that the methods in our Overlay Type don't exist on the actual JavaScript object. Where do they go? As we said above, where possible we try to just get rid of them. Yep, gone. The compiler will actually inline the augmented method bodies, so that the above code looks like this:
var customer; customer = $wnd.fred; $wnd.alert(customer.FirstName + ' ' + customer.LastName); $wnd.alert(customer.FirstName + ' ' + customer.LastName);
You'll notice that we're accessing the underlying object's attributes (FirstName, LastName) directly. Pretty cool.
Sometimes it isn't possible to inline the augmented Java method, in which case a global function is created. Take the method thankCustomer() in the Customer class above. If we can't inline the method body, then we need to create a function somewhere. However, we don't want to add it to the underlying object or its prototype, so we create a global function that takes the underlying object as an argument. We get the same effect, but without the overhead of indirection.
So the 'thankCustomer' method above becomes
function $thankCustomer(this$static, thanksType){ if ($equals_0(thanksType, 'buying')) { return 'Dear ' + this$static.FirstName + ', thanks for buying our product'; } else { return 'Dear ' + this$static.FirstName + ', thanks for referring your friend'; } }
which means a Java source code line like
in the end compiles to a call to global function $thankCustomer with the customer object passed as an argument.
$wnd.alert($thankCustomer(customer, 'buying'));
And that takes us full circle back to the code snippet at the beginning of this post. When we say that
final native void foo(int x, int y) /*-{ ... }-*/; can magically become final static native void foo(MyJSO this_, int x, int y) /*-{ ... }-*/;
We're showing that if foo can't be inlined, then it will become a global function with the object passed as an argument rather than a method on the object itself.
You may also now see why we don't allow attributes on an Overlay Type -- we'd have nowhere to store them in this model. However, as you've seen we can allow augmented Java methods through either inlining the method away, or creating a global function where the first argument is the object itself.